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Americans Must Demand Campaign Finance Reform

These types of texts are endless from BOTH parties. According to the Federal Elections Committee website, as of 6/30/2024, the Cruz campaign reported fundraising of $59,159,421.27. His campaign is the 2nd highest in fundraising for the U.S. Senate. As of 9/3/2024, the total raised by all presidential candidates running in 2024 is $1,546,477,352; the total raised by all Senate candidates running in 2024 is $1,055,991,687; and the total raised by all House candidates running in 2024 is $1,472,160,963. These numbers increase daily.

When will Americans say ENOUGH and demand serious campaign finance reform, including an end to Citizens United, from the 535 Americans elected to the U.S. Congress?


Breakdown of political fundraising as of 9/3/2024:

U.S. Presidential Candidates

Dem. $1,004,978,132

Rep. $468,152,242

Other $73,346,979


U.S Senate Candidates

Dem. $630,402,851

Rep. $355,257,828

Other $70,331,009


U.S. House of Representatives Candidates

Rep. $734,003,761

Dem. $728,128,607

Other $10,028,595