We are fighting back.

We are not up against individual candidates

We are up against organized, well-funded, far-right movements to replace our nation’s democracy with their authoritarian government. 

It’s time for a countermovement

Samuel Corum Getty Images VCG

It’s time for The Counter

On February 1, 1960, four black college students sat at a lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, and politely asked for service.

David Richmond (from left), Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair Jr., and Joseph McNeil Jack Moebes/Corbis

Despite being refused and threatened, they remained seated.

Their courageous, non-violent actions inspired others to rise and change our country.

David Richmond (from left), Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair Jr., and Joseph McNeil Jack Moebes/Corbis

For years, Diners across America had counters where customers could sit alongside one another and talk.

Conversations focused on local, state, and national issues.

Newspaper articles were discussed, and thoughts were shared over a meal and coffee.

Folks talked about how to make their communities better.

Counters are where history is made, communities are built, and change is born.

The Counter is where democracy grows. 

Come, sit with us at The Counter, a podcast of conversations about a more just America.

Join us at The Counter

Strengthening our Democracy

Questions? Comments? We’d love to hear from you!

The Counter

P.O. Box 22445

Billings, MT 59104

Paid for by The Counter Political Action Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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