Join us at The Counter

America is in trouble. Our democracy is being threatened.

We are not up against individual candidates.

We are up against organized and well-funded far-right movements to replace our nation’s democracy with their authoritarian government.

Superstar Democrats winning high-cost races in three or four states are not the answer.

Democrats need to be in every race on every ballot in every state. This is how we keep and strengthen our democracy.

It’s time for a countermovement.  It’s time for The Counter.

The Counter brings together individuals, rural and urban grassroots organizations, and politically like-minded leaders to discuss and build strategic relationships, messaging, and identifiable branding for Democratic candidates and local committees.

The Counter podcast works to overcome false narratives, fascist ideologies, and misrepresentations of what makes America great by amplifying the messages of diverse people giving voice to what makes America more just.

Your donations fund podcasts, webinars, strategy sessions, and local committees to help Democrats get on the ballot and win in every race.

We welcome you to join us at The Counter.