Speak With Your Vote!

Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement has become the Republican Party and the Republican Party has become MAGA. One and the same are a fascist counter-revolution intending to reverse all the change, including the American Revolution, that has happened since the European Enlightenment. They break with reason, humanism and Christian ethics, which are the basis for our Democracy. They not only ignore the scientific pursuit of truth as a noble goal, they deny the inviolability of the human being while saying the opposite. Telling lies, big and many, is their most useful tool toward ending what they consider to be our naive and decadent Democracy. MAGA fascism sees and pursues life as unremitting struggle among tribes of peoples for bare survival. These un-Americans deride, demean and smother the sunny reasonableness and common sense that comes with our human experience of personal freedom. Their Counter Revolution has advanced easily because of their access to a vast mind-boggling flood of money as free speech from dark forces in unseen places. So far our constitutionally-based legal system seems unable to impede it.

We are now too close to ending of our way of living and we have no choice but to stand together against the challenge, however it next presents its nearly unstoppable momentum. Like Mike Mansfield and Lee Metcalf and so many others dedicated to public service who came before us, we all need for once to be public servants sworn to protect and defend our Constitution. It may be possible to regain a functioning Congress. I’ve concluded that it’s worth trying and possible if we send Democrats there.

So, as you disassociate from MAGA fascism, defend our Democracy with your individual right to free speech. Defend our Democracy with your vote for a Democrat. 


John Brian Driscoll, Helena, Montana


Still Working For Change


The Lights Of Billings